Our Story
IIVY Co. was founded in 1986 in Kobe as an intensive cram school for students from ages 6 to 18. Since then, IVY’s education system has gained renown as one of the most effective in the Kobe area.
In 2008, IVY Co. opened a new International Kids School designed for children of ages 1.5 to 5. The goal of IVY Co. is to help children achieve their full potential, instilling them with a willingness to learn and celebration of their differences.
We try to foster children’s natural curiosity with a warm, open and stimulating atmosphere.

2008年に幼児対象にアイビーインターナショナルキッズスクールを開設しました。子どもたちが幼い頃から遊びを中心とした生活の中で、倫理的で機能的な学ぶ姿勢と他人と共有することの豊かさを体験します。 大切にしていることは個々の母国語は家庭で、そして、英語を通して幼児期のあらゆることに挑戦する、生徒数20名までの国際幼稚園です。
Children Learn What They Live by Dorothy Law Nolt
If a child lives with criticism, He learns to condemn
批判ばかり受けて育った子は、非難ばかりしますIf a child lives with ridicule, He learns to be shy
ひやかしを受けて育った子は、はにかみ屋になりますIf a child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient
心が寛大な人の中で育った子は、我慢強くなりますIf a child lives with hostility, He learns to fight
敵意に満ちた中で育った子は、誰とでも戦いますIf a child lives with shame, He learns to feel guilty
気持ちになりますIf a child lives with praise, He learns to appreciate
誉められる中で育った子は、いつも感謝することを知りますIf a child lives with security, He learns to have faith
思いやりのある中で育った子は、信頼の大切さを学びますIf a child lives with acceptance and friendship,
He learns to find love in the world
仲間の愛の中で育った子は、信仰心を持ちますIf a child lives with fairness, He learns justice
公明正大な中で育った子は、正義心を持ちますIf a child lives with approval, He learns to like himself
Our Philosophy & Mission
We strive to work together to build and maintain trusting and respectful relationships with both children and families.
- We put children first
- We create a quality English environments
- We encourage an honest, open culture