Welcome to IVY School
Join Our Jorney of Discovery
In 2008, IVY Co. opened a new International Kids School designed for children of ages 1.5 to 5. The goal of IVY Co. is to help children achieve their full potential, instilling them with a willingness to learn and celebration of their differences.
Please feel free to contact us.
How to Enroll Your Child in a Class?
Join Our Journey of Discovery
Call Us(078) 515 – 6833
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English Environment
International Kids School
- IVY International Kids School focuses on the social, physical and academic development of 1.5 to 5 year olds children.
- IVY’s instruction program prepares children for entry into schools using an immersive environment with English as the language of instruction. IVY gives priority to children planning to attend both local International or Japanese schools.
After School
Intensive Course
IVY After Intensive Course aims to teach children to:
- Take turns through fun games.
- Improve listening comprehension through conversation and childrens’ DVDs.
- Learn self expression through art and crafts.
- Learn basic phonics and acquire reading skills.
And more…
Shingaku jyuku
進学塾 IVY
- 弱点を徹底分析し苦手意識を払拭できる丁寧な指導
- 基礎学力の徹底で自信を持って授業に挑める姿勢の育成
- それまでの知識や経験を総動員して、次の課題を自分で考え・解決する粘り強さの育成
- 経験豊かな熟練教師の適切な指導
- 5人までの少人数だから全員に目が行き届く
And more…
What Offer
Why Kids & Their Parent Choose Us
Our main values
Our Philosophy & Mission
We strive to work together to build and maintain trusting and respectful relationships with both children and families.